Thursday 23 April 2020

Corona Virus diary Week 5

Week 5 and it seems like an age that this new way of life happened.  I am so accustomed to the routine now that this way of life feels normal.

The weather has had a big impact.  Being able to go into the garden and enjoy the spring flowers with a glass of something has been most enjoyable.  It has almost been like having a holiday in our garden. Missing is the pool and Jacuzzi but I have plans. Gardening is no longer a chore but a pleasure and I bought a hare garden ornament which I love it is a great addition to my border.

At the same time the news out there is horrifying and we cant imagine what some people are going through either shut inside a small flat with a family or on the front line dealing with daily deaths.  We watch the news religiously to keep in touch with the other reality. And I hold them in my prayers nightly.

We are taking daily walks around the village and I know other people of our age who do not.  However my weight makes it a necessity, I need to eat less and exercise more. I also took an exercise class with Maxine at the Brewhouse Theatre and this was most enjoyable.  I had to pay but it was worth it.  the class was like a ballet training for older people and then a short choreographed dance.  It was good for my mind and body as I had to concentrate. I shall book in for next week God willing.

Now we have an established routine we are going to try to introduce some changes, like shopping at different places and going in the car a short distance for a different walk.  I shall use a mask and am going to make two myself this afternoon.

Zoom is so frustrating , we lost the internet in the middle of a zoom meeting because of an outside call coming on the landline, it took ages to sort it out.  Better luck next time I hope.

Well signing off, I went through the seat of my favorite garden chair but luckily it is very old and I have replacements in  the garden shed. one more job to do today,

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